Saturday, January 2, 2010

Buy Buy!

Consumption is as consumption does. It's stupid. But can it be avoided? Sort of. I am taking my first stab at altering my consumeristic lifestyle by giving up my penchant for shiny new things that have never been touched by another hand for one year. The initial spark of this project came to mind a few months ago when I abandoned use of plastic food storage containers and decided to instead use the plethora of glass jars accumulating in my cupboard. Next came a decision to never ever purchase gift wrap again for the rest of my life (gift wrap = waste and $). I have decided to take things a lot further and not purchase any new stuff for an entire year. Well, ok, I will purchase new food. And new hygiene items - who wants used TP? But everything else will either be borrowed, bought second hand or bartered for. Instead of heading to the mall to buy new clothes or shoes, I'll be scouring Craigs List, second hand shops, attempting to trade my skills for used items, or asking my vast network to borrow the things I need. More than anything, I anticipate this project influencing how I see what I "need" versus what I "want".


  1. You go, Lily! Such an awesome idea. :) By the way, have you read the book Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping by Judith Levine? I definitely recommend it. Can't wait to hear more about how this adventure is going!

  2. Hey Em!
    I've heard of that book but never read it! I just put a hold on it at my library and will pick it up tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Yay, awesome! Oh, and hey, here's my blog in case you wanna check it out sometime. :)

  4. Hi Lil,
    After our conversations about waste and consumption I was telling Will how guilty I feel that he is about to send our huge, still somewhat functioning tv to a landfill! He has assured me that it will get sent to a recycling center to be torn apart for parts, but I don't believe him. Do you know anyone who would like a 55" tv that needs some color tube repair? Will knows what's wrong with it, he just wants to put the repair money towards a new tv. Let me know! Wednesday it's headed out our door!

  5. I like it. Good luck to you!
